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Farmland turned into industrial wasteland by greed

Editor: Re: 'War' declared on Delta farmland, April 6 I am absolutely disgusted by the proposed land grab by those hoping to make huge sums of money by destroying what, in a metaphysical sense, belongs to all of us.


Re: 'War' declared on Delta farmland, April 6

I am absolutely disgusted by the proposed land grab by those hoping to make huge sums of money by destroying what, in a metaphysical sense, belongs to all of us.

It is our future and our future is being decided by unmitigated greed, plain and simple. Turning prime farmland into rail yards and an industrial wasteland is nothing short of criminal.

A lot has already been said about the need to preserve our farmland in Delta for the future, a future that will include farmland all over the world being decimated because of poor farming practices, lack of water, overuse of pesticides and fertilizers, and continual pressure from development.

At the risk of being called a "tree-hugger," I would also like to point out the loss of usable land for our migrating birds.

Birds rely on farmland heavily for shelter and forage.

Can you image Delta without its snow geese, trumpeter swans, ducks and shorebirds? Can anyone put a price on the loss of our natural heritage?

Valerie Fuller