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Four weeks and counting to make statement

Editor: As a Ladner resident for 43 years, I have always thought the Delta police do a good job of protecting the citizens. Recently I discovered they have no interest in serving the justice system.


As a Ladner resident for 43 years, I have always thought the Delta police do a good job of protecting the citizens.

Recently I discovered they have no interest in serving the justice system. Maybe this is caused by years of repeat criminals getting light or no sentence?

In early December, I went to the Delta police at the request of a credit card company with clear documented proof - the name, address and phone number - of the person who defrauded my deceased father's cards.

I thought the police would be happy to proceed with the charges. I was wrong. I sat in the waiting area for three hours to make a statement. I finally got a clerk to give me a file number and was sent home without making a statement.

The next day I received a call telling me to contact a constable so I could make an appointment to make a statement. I have spent the last four weeks leaving him voice messages and asking the receptionist for assistance. I have been completely ignored and I doubt that this story is unique.

The Delta police are sending a message that victimless crime such as fraud is OK, but with no consequences criminals often escalate their offences.

Barry Hrycun