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Gag order on Southlands is attempt by mayor to protect members of council

Editor: Re: Debate poised to resume, Sept. 21 Mayor Lois Jackson is seeking a legal opinion that could prevent people from asking candidates for Delta council about their position on the Southlands proposal.


Re: Debate poised to resume, Sept. 21

Mayor Lois Jackson is seeking a legal opinion that could prevent people from asking candidates for Delta council about their position on the Southlands proposal. This comes at a time when there is no formal application, or even any idea of a public hearing about a nebulous bylaw as yet to be discussed.

This is a blatant attempt to protect those members of council, including herself, from the rigors of being questioned as to their policies. It is worth reminding her that after the November election is called, there are only candidates, and existing council members and mayor are merely candidates again.

A gag order supported by a legal opinion from a lawyer employed by the municipality using our tax dollars? Give me a break.

This is yet another move by her to stop the expression of opinion. It is time she realizes she is a public servant, and not some autocrat. Free speech is a precious Canadian entitlement, and not the property of angry politicians.

Peter Duffey