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Gateway leaves trail of destruction

Editor: Creating a climate of political correctness to implement the destruction of farmland, the Gateway program is leaving a trail of destruction. The TFN treaty is part of that program, but is leading to some very unfortunate effects.


Creating a climate of political correctness to implement the destruction of farmland, the Gateway program is leaving a trail of destruction.

The TFN treaty is part of that program, but is leading to some very unfortunate effects. The whole thing is based on shaky foundations. The mall investors hope to provide a destination experience, but stand to lose their shirts.

The volume of container traffic also may not be as expected. There is a big risk of financial disaster for public funding and private investment. The TFN site is singularly inappropriate for the projects of two mega malls.

Overall, if this was under the auspices of Metro Vancouver, or the Corporation of Delta, there would be much more caution and care. This situation is a prime example of misguided federal governmental policy leading to environmental and area pollution.

Peter Duffey