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Give taxpayers a vote in teachers' dispute

Editor: In regards to the teachers' dispute, I would like to forward the following solution: There are people that are on the teachers' side and there are people who are not.


In regards to the teachers' dispute, I would like to forward the following solution:

There are people that are on the teachers' side and there are people who are not. I, personally, feel teachers have a legitimate point in regards to class sizes and handicapped children; asking for several days off when one of their friends or relatives dies is questionable. All I know is that nobody else in the workforce is getting this bonus.

There are many other points on the table that the two sides don't agree and will never agree on.

The teachers always talk about their democratic rights and I suggest we take them up on that.

The teachers are on the taxpayers' payroll and therefore I demand that I and other tax-paying citizens have the right to vote on this issue. The majority wins, so it's resolved in a democratic way.

We all know teachers sacrifice a lot while contributing to the upbringing of our children, however holding those students and their parents at ransom to get their way sends the wrong message.

Othmar Brunner