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Hardly seems acceptable

Editor: Re: Coal dust within limits, Oct. 23 The ladies of Tsawwassen would like the testing commission to see their black window sills and grimy patios, and perhaps advise them how this fits in with acceptable coal dust guidelines.

Editor: Re: Coal dust within limits, Oct. 23 The ladies of Tsawwassen would like the testing commission to see their black window sills and grimy patios, and perhaps advise them how this fits in with acceptable coal dust guidelines.

In some cities in the United States, large signs are posted at construction sites requesting residents to report any blowing dust or dirt tracks that leave the zone.

One wonders how in Canada the people tolerate and the authorities accept a fog of billowing coal dust following every train that wanders through our communities and across the farmlands.

This problem is so easily fixed by covering the open rail cars or spray sealing the contents, but that costs money and takes profit from the billionaire corporations that deal in coal.

The government doesn't care. With a philosophy of growth and profit overriding all else, there are few actions taken toward the overall livability and well being of the citizens.

Al Warner