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Job creation is not worth polluting the planet

Editor: I'll bet that in Big Industry's universe, life-sustaining ecosystems are but once again supposed to take a back seat to extremely massive coal extractions and shipping, creating transport corridor nightmares around the Delta and Richmond regi


I'll bet that in Big Industry's universe, life-sustaining ecosystems are but once again supposed to take a back seat to extremely massive coal extractions and shipping, creating transport corridor nightmares around the Delta and Richmond region.

Do British Columbians in favour of basically unhindered resource-extraction ever thoroughly consider what good it is creating jobs when the planet is polluted, thus people are getting sick and dying because of mass industrial and vehicular pollution?

All of which is why,

when I see people excited and partying it up following the re-election of an ultra-pro-Big Industry governing party, I think of Midnight Oil's hit Beds Are Burning: "How can we dance when the earth is burning? How can we sleep when our beds are burning?"

Frank G. Sterle, Jr.