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Kindness is found all over

South Delta is truly fortunate for the outpouring of goodwill that takes place every holiday season, but this year that kindness seemed extra special.

South Delta is truly fortunate for the outpouring of goodwill that takes place every holiday season, but this year that kindness seemed extra special.

The appeals for gifts to stock Deltassist's Toy Depot and for food to fill the Christmas hampers put together by a consortium of local service clubs are heeded annually by a caring community. Many other programs and endeavours undertaken at this time of year to ensure everyone's holiday season is a little, or a lot, brighter are also well supported by members of the public.

However, there were several instances in the last month, events that happened to coincide with the season but weren't necessarily of a holiday theme, that further demonstrated the never-ending compassion of this community.

The outpouring of support shown to Tsawwassen teen Kyle McConkey and his family was nothing short of amazing. Parents of the 18-year-old who is battling leukemia were, understandably, willing to do whatever's necessary to give their child a shot at survival, including possibly mortgaging the family home to pay for experimental treatment in the United States.

Before that was necessary, an online campaign was initiated, and within a few days, more than a quarter of a million dollars was raised to cover the cost of the procedure at Seattle Children's Hospital. There could be no better gift for this community, and for all those who supported the McConkey family, than to learn the treatment Kyle is scheduled to receive in early 2015 has put the insidious disease into remission. Our prayers are with you.

I was also touched by the story of a Delta police officer who, with the help of her colleagues, went to great lengths to track down the owner of money found tucked away in a thrift shop treasure.

Sgt. Jody Waldron didn't come looking for attention, and was reluctant to pose for a photo, but when we got wind of what she did to return $1,300 to a Ladner family, there was no way she wasn't going to be publicly recognized for her good deed.

And I don't want to overlook Dave Lemire, who pounded up and down the stairs at Fred Gingell Park in Tsawwassen for four straight hours to raise $11,000 for B.C. Children's Hospital, or Al Hollinger, who has been extremely generous in his support of Delta Hospital over the years.

There are many, many others who give of themselves at this time as well as throughout the year, which is why this community is such a great place to live. Merry Christmas to all.