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Law or not, headlights make sense

Editor: Re: Slowpokes shouldn't get in left lane on Highway 17, letter to the editor, July 25 With respect to the writer's concerns that the yellow sign with flashing lights at George Massey Tunnel is merely a "recommendation," and "not a requirement


Re: Slowpokes shouldn't get in left lane on Highway 17, letter to the editor, July 25

With respect to the writer's concerns that the yellow sign with flashing lights at George Massey Tunnel is merely a "recommendation," and "not a requirement," I think the recommendation is valid and one that ought to be understood and respected by all drivers.

Perhaps there might not be a need for such signage if the provincial Ministry of Highways recognized the lighting in George Massey Tunnel is poor and because of that vehicles are not readily seen by those following.

A strange phenomenon is that certain red coloured vehicles become nearly invisible when transiting the tunnel. By operating headlights, following drivers can see these vehicles and headlights engage the vehicle's rear lights, allowing a following driver to gauge distance - and stopping time.

Additionally, too many drivers appear to have a penchant for following too closely, and given the poor lighting in the tunnel, create a situation that can, and has, led to accidents.

Whether or not one considers the yellow signs a mere "recommendation," common sense dictates that headlights be engaged when transiting the tunnel. Daytime driving lights do not activate a vehicle's rear lights.

Bob Orrick