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LETTER: Lots to do for teens, back then

In Christine Thompson's column ( What's a teen to do, South Delta Leader , Jan. 13, 2012 ) she laments that there are not enough entertainment options for South Delta youth. Yes, this might be a problem for some.

In Christine Thompson's column (What's a teen to do, South Delta Leader, Jan. 13, 2012) she laments that there are not enough entertainment options for South Delta youth.

Yes, this might be a problem for some.

As a stay at home mom, I was able to supervise and spend time with my children, ensuring they were kept busy with school work, limited after school activities, and I welcomed their school friends into our home.

We were fortunate to have a movie theatre, as well as a bowling alley in the Town Centre Mall, and many birthday parties were celebrated at these venues. They were within walking or biking distance for many residents.

With the announcement of TFN's plans to build a mega mall, Christine's wish for more teen activities will no doubt come true, as one can assume that something like "Silver City" with arcade games will be constructed. Of course, depending on where a teen resides, he or she might still need a chauffer as the mega mall won't exactly be within walking distance.

Jean Wightman,
