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Letters: City hall: time to ‘get out of the box’

For years I have hoped to see some ideas like this from City Hall, but they never seem to be able to get ‘out of the box’!
Public consultation has started on the design of the new Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre. Optimist file photo


Re: Let’s all jump into the pool discussion (Editorial, Optimist, May 16).

I have to agree, with your editorial and specifically Mark Schoeffel’s letter regarding his idea of moving the redeveloped Winskill Aquatic Centre pool to the South Delta Rec Centre.

It makes a lot of sense.

As I studied the three options sent out by city hall recently, I kept thinking, “What’s wrong with this picture?” They are all basically the same…. cut down our little forest at Winskill to make more room for parking and pool. Not a good idea. We have to start thinking ‘outside the box’ (Winskill), and the suggestion to move the pool to the rec centre deserves further consideration.

This is a more centralized location; a transit hub and more parking make this very attractive. This leaves Winskill Park with more park-like features, walking paths, forests, and playing areas for baseball, soccer, and other outdoor sports.

For years I have hoped to see some ideas like this from City Hall, but they never seem to be able to get ‘out of the box’!

Ian Kent