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Letters: Delta is going tree crazy

The overall goal is good, but how about concentrating on all the trees already planted that are dying due to lack of water?


Regarding the recent new tree bylaw article in the Optimist (July 29), I think Delta has gone tree crazy.

The overall goal is good, but how about concentrating on all the trees already planted that are dying due to lack of water? All the trees dead and dying in the local shopping malls with no action taken by store owners. These dead and dying trees look horrible, is anyone with the City requiring businesses to maintain or replace neglected and dead trees?

Direct some resources to maintenance before going 'ham' on new plantings and strict regulations.  Maybe the percent of canopy coverage would be another two to five percent higher if some energy was focused on maintaining past plantings.

Also I think some more effort should be put into planning the type of trees planted (example planting fast tall growing trees under power lines is not a great idea... and perhaps with climate change selecting more drought tolerant trees might be a good idea too).   

Greg McDonald