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Letters: Disappointed with OCP process

Needlessly rushing this through achieves nothing other than engendering distrust and upsetting residents
Open houses for Delta's OCP changes were well-attended by residents in both South and North Delta.

The following letter was sent to Delta Mayor and Council and copied to the Optimist

I am very disappointed and disheartened with the way you are handling the future of Delta and Tsawwassen in particular. Why are you not listening?

Over the years, I have been to several public hearings and participated actively in the future planning of our community. Never have I seen such major changes rushed through with so little public involvement.

I studied all the material you sent out. I participated in two online sessions. I attended an open house. I reviewed all the material on the let’s talk Delta website and I asked questions. I also wrote two letters to you.

While supportive of the need for increased housing I had several concerns and unanswered questions. My questions are not being answered and details are still absent.

You, the people we elected to represent us, are not listening. You are giving every indication you have made up your mind as to what will get approved.

We were promised involvement in the future planning of our community. We have not got it.

Abandon the June 30 deadline and give us the taxpayers and residents more time to have our concerns addressed.

Give Tsawwassen the courtesy of an open house.

Provide more time for residents to read and understand the 807-page report and to identify additional questions.

Provide the missing details on residential zoning, setbacks, lot coverage and building height.

Delay the April 22 public hearing to allow sufficient time to answer the many legitimate questions and to provide the missing details.

Needlessly rushing this through achieves nothing other than engendering distrust and upsetting residents. Why not take the time to get community support and buy in?

Roger Emsley