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Letters: Fast food bag fees are a problem

I hope Delta council continues their good work and finds a way to rectify this problem.
Delta’s bylaw includes fees for providing customers with recycled paper bags ($0.25) or reusable bags ($2) at the checkout.


I am writing in support of the article written by Sandor Gyarmati in the publication dated Jan. 12 with regard to fast food paper bag fees. 

I attended McDonald's drive-thru recently to purchase two meal deals for two of my senior friends.

The person taking the order asked if I wanted to pay 30 cents for a bag which I replied no; plus did I want to round off my bill to the nearest dollar to donate to McDonald House.

That was the first I had heard of this new procedure with regard to bag fees. When I reached the pick-up window the person handed me a tray with all these items on it. I took the tray to try and deal with this problem. 

The irony is that McDonald's just shot themselves in the foot as they ask you to top off your bill to the nearest dollar and donate the money for the McDonald House to help families and children in need, which is a great cause and then ask you to pay for the bag that is biodegradable to carry the food out.

I hope Delta council continues their good work and finds a way to rectify this problem.

B. Sanders