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Letters: Just too socialist for me

The short-term rental may well be facilitating the owners of the house to be able to live in a house, pay their mortgage and to have retirement savings.
More feedback on the new Airbnb rules.


The March 28 Optimist article titled Tsawwassen Airbnb operator looking for options” highlighted concerns with the new government imposed Short Term Rental Accommodations Act that stipulates that only a principal residence may be let as an Airbnb.

The Act, of course, is trying to address the shortage of rental housing while penalizing hard working people who may well be trying to pay their mortgages through having short-term rentals. The short-term rental may well be facilitating the owners of the house to be able to live in a house, pay their mortgage and to have retirement savings.

Since when in a democratic capitalist country has the government mandated such restrictions on property owned by the people?

It would seem the Act could be the beginning of the slippery slope to mandate how much space a family is permitted to live in within the walls of their own house as has happened in other regimes where Socialism exploded into another form of government.

Sharon Stunder