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Letters: Losing its identity

I agree the Centre does need updating, but not to the detriment of losing its identity.
Century Group president Sean Hodgins speaks to residents at Tuesday's open house.


Having just seen the proposed plan for Tsawwassen Town Centre I am left with an obvious question…is this what the people of Tsawwassen really want? Twenty-three, 21, 19 and 17 storey blocks placed in the middle.

A similar plan was submitted, rejected, and told to come back with a new plan. This looks remarkably like the first which turned Tsawwassen into a mini-Richmond. Also, I notice in this plan there is no talk of the infrastructure to cover all these people. Where are the doctors and schools to administer to the new influx?

We voted for our council to look after our interests and judging by the Hunter Road proposal they do not listen. The developers have only one interest in mind and that is profit. The higher they build the more profit they make.

Century Group wanted input from the people of Tsawwassen and I am sure there was not one that said, “A 23-storey high tower block would be nice.”

I agree the Centre does need updating, but not to the detriment of losing its identity.

Ivor Hewitt