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Letters: Maybe there are other factors at play here?

Maybe Canadians don’t go to the US as much because it is not as cheap, convenient, and current (trendy) as is used to be.
Point Roberts chamber
The welcome sign into Point Roberts.


Re: recent letters about Point Roberts and COVID restrictions.

I agree with Howard Solverson, regarding Brian Calder’s letter about Point Roberts. Especially his concern about the “medically induced panic reaction” and “knee jerk panic response”, which Mr. Calder used.

This speaks volumes, as to Calder’s real opinion, of the medical strategy employed, during the pandemic.

Everyone in the world probably knew of someone, who died during those years. Our family did. If Mr. Calder wants to blame anyone for abandoning Point Roberts, then he can look further South, to the governments in Washington State and DC for that.

The Canadian government went above and beyond, to assist the residents of PR, when the US governments refused to act fast enough.

He still laments that Point Roberts hasn’t recovered financially, even though the WHO declared the pandemic over, in May 2023. Instead of blaming “the government” for the reduction of visitors to PR, perhaps he should consider other factors at play.

Many residents of South Delta have now decided to shop in Ladner and Tsawwassen, rather than visit Point Roberts.

Maybe Canadians don’t go to the US as much because it is not as cheap, convenient, and current (trendy) as is used to be.

A Cameron