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Letters: Not in favour of paving the dike

In response to a recent letter regarding paving the Boundary Bay dike, I am definitely not in favour of such.
Cyclists on Boundary Bay dike
HUB Cycling would like a sheet of asphalt laid on top of the dike, once all the work has been done. That smooth surface could make for speedier cycling commutes and encourage users of all abilities by making easier riding for whoever’s using the dike trail.


In response to a recent letter regarding paving the Boundary Bay dike, I am definitely not in favour of such.

First of all the dike is currently a hard gravel surface used/enjoyed by cyclists, farmers, walkers and horseback riders all of which, I am quite sure, are happy with the status quo. Secondly the many taxpayers’ dollars to pave such a surface should be spent on much more important projects like “affordable” housing.

Thirdly the environmental damage that would be caused by the paving both during and well after is totally unacceptable!

As to “Delta has world-class potential” as written in this letter, I moved from the megalopolis of Vancouver to enjoy the Village of Ladner leaving any “world-class” attitude to the Vancouverites!

Rob Leeson