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Letters: Not in the interests of Delta

I do not believe the current board of the Delta Hospice Society in any way represents the will of the people of Delta.
delta hospice update


I do not believe the current board of the Delta Hospice Society in any way represents the will of the people of Delta.

It seems that a very well-organized religious extremist group signed up a horde of new members that overwhelmed the long-standing members who truly represented the community. I understand many of the new members do not even live in Delta, but most are members of the religious group with their narrow agenda.

It reminds me of the membership drive carried out by Andrew Scheer to win the Conservative leadership. Dairy farmers from Quebec all signed up in the tens of thousands and assured his victory. They had a narrow agenda of fighting to preserve their near monopoly and Scheer made promises to them to win. The national interest was not of interest to them. How did that all turn out?

Similarly, this board is not fighting for the interests of Delta, only their narrow agenda.

Kudos to the provincial government for standing firm.

David Harris