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Letters: Thank you Delta for the Southlands trees and flowers

What a nice morning wake-up Friday (March 22) as I went to work
Thank you letter
Thanks you to the City of Delta for the trees and planted daffodils.


I live in Boundary Bay and regularly drive Southlands Drive - the new road from 56th Street and Fourth Avenue through to the Southlands and Boundary Bay.

Last summer, with the extreme drought, the newish trees along the drive were unable to survive, and last fall, city workers removed the dead ones and replaced them with new trees. They spent much time adding supports to ensure the trees stayed upright in the winter winds and covering the ground in bark mulch.

Today, there is a nice surprise as it seems they also planted daffodils for us to enjoy.

What a nice morning wake-up Friday (March 22) as I went to work.

Thank you to the city. Hoping these trees, along with the daffodils, have enough water this summer.

Joan Hansen