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Letters: The province needs to butt out of municipal affairs

Governments are not doing enough to shore up the aging infrastructure to enable population growth without deterioration in the quality of life
housing construction in delta, bc
The provincial government says it is working closely with local governments and stakeholders to increase housing supply and affordability and the Local Government Development Approvals Program is part of that effort.


Re: Province releases housing targets for 10 municipalities, (Optimist, Sept. 28)

This is ridiculous!

Governments are not doing enough to shore up the aging infrastructure to enable population growth without deterioration in the quality of life (highways, bridges, water, sewer, electricity, natural gas).

Having the province weigh in with a lousy $10 million (of our taxpayer money) for 75,000 housing units worth $37 billion is a drop in the bucket, and should be rejected by municipalities on behalf of their taxpaying voters.

The solution is for the feds to stop unsustainable immigration, 10 times what the country needs, and for the province to butt out of municipal affairs.

Ric Pow