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Letters: We live in a democracy

Who was consulted for this delay in the overpass repairs?
Work to fix the damaged Hwy. 17A overpass is almost complete.



Like many others, I am relieved the work on the 99 overpass is finally coming to an end. Enough has been written about the carelessness of the driver involved, and the legislation this week has largely placated the ire towards the incidents. However, we need to discuss the process.

The work on the overpass was meant to be done in December. However, we were suddenly informed that the work would be delayed until the New Year to help local businesses through the busy Xmas rush. Who was consulted for this delay?

We live in a democracy and expect (hope) the powers that be would make decisions that benefit as many folks as possible. That clearly didn’t happen here. Were the extra few dollars that local businesses made (and really, how much would that be given December is so quiet on the roads anyway) worth more than the thousands of hours commuters lost in extra, unnecessary traffic? That’s thousands of hours less that people had to spend with families and friends and do whatever they choose.

One thing is for sure - you can bet those decision makers who catered for the special interest groups didn’t have to suffer the enormous extra traffic that has extended, unnecessarily, well into the new year.

Denise Lockyear