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Going up is most realistic way to add density in Tsawwassen

Editor: Re: Tall buildings not the answer in Tsawwassen’s town core, letter to the editor, Dec. 19 I have to strongly and respectfully disagree with Gord Freeborn. The fact is density pressures will continually increase as the Lower Mainland grows.


Re: Tall buildings not the answer in Tsawwassen’s town core, letter to the editor, Dec. 19

I have to strongly and respectfully disagree with Gord Freeborn. The fact is density pressures will continually increase as the Lower Mainland grows.

If we want to keep Tsawwassen’s neighbourhoods left as they are, we need to compromise and still give young and older folks somewhere to start out or downsize to. Going up is the most realistic and cost effective way to add the units.

Being in the construction industry, I see different developments around the Lower Mainland and can’t imagine a tall townhouse going up over my back fence as is happening in Richmond and now on 8A Avenue. When these 8A Avenue buildings go up, think about the new view the houses on 53A Street and 54th Street will have and imagine that in your back yard.

Kevin McDonald