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Ladner also gradually losing its small town character

Editor: Re: Council gives approval to Ladner Dairy Queen, Nov.


Re: Council gives approval to Ladner Dairy Queen, Nov. 22

This letter is in regards to the recent approval by Delta council for a Dairy Queen in the old abc Restaurant location in Ladner Centre as well as the current rezoning application at city hall for the nearby Chevron gas station that would include a Triple O’s.

I am a newcomer to Ladner and read with interest in the Optimist the many letters lamenting the gradual loss of the small town character of Tsawwassen. Beware Ladner because with changes such as those noted above, the main traffic entrance to town could eventually resemble the main roadway into Tsawwassen, even though our mayor is acutely aware of this.

Not sure how they are doing it but Fort Langley appears to be successfully managing growth while actually improving the village atmosphere, although I am sure they have their own growth challenges.

John Le mare