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Richmond OK with jet fuel, just not LNG

Editor: Re: Richmond council opposes expanded Tilbury LNG plant, July 9 I read that Richmond council is opposed to expansion of the Tilbury FortisBC plant on the South Arm of the Fraser River.


Re: Richmond council opposes expanded Tilbury LNG plant, July 9

I read that Richmond council is opposed to expansion of the Tilbury FortisBC plant on the South Arm of the Fraser River. This is the same Richmond that is allowing a jet fuel terminal to be built on the river almost directly across from FortisBC.

It is to take barges loaded with jet fuel from Cherry Point and Anacortes. It will then cross Richmond and go under the Middle Arm by pipeline to Vancouver International Airport near McDonald Beach. They ruled against using the North Arm which would have eliminated the need for an expensive pipeline.

The Tilbury natural gas facility has been operated for over 50 years. It should be noted that a non-explosive leak of LNG dissipates into the atmosphere. A non-explosive leak of jet fuel will foul the South Arm out to the ocean.

Doug Laloge