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Something stinks in Ladner

Editor: Re: Ladner to get Richmond’s organic waste, Jan. 17 Something stinks. Really bad. I am hoping that someone will do something about the Enviro-Smart – GFL stench that has once again returned to pollute Ladner air.


Re: Ladner to get Richmond’s organic waste, Jan. 17

Something stinks. Really bad.

I am hoping that someone will do something about the Enviro-Smart – GFL stench that has once again returned to pollute Ladner air. I have logged two complaints so far today – the stink was there when I got up this morning, and is still reeking outside as I write.

While recycling organics is a good plan, it must not be allowed in an area surrounded by residential, schools and hospitals. This compost factory located on 72nd Street cannot manage the stench it produces with the existing material that it is presently trucking in. What will happen to Delta once they start hauling and accepting all of Richmond’s organic waste?

As a community, we attended the meetings held in November and apparently all of this time has been wasted. I can only imagine how disgusting the stink will be once the warm weather returns. Not to mention the growing eyesore along Highway 17 for anyone who uses the route to commute to Tsawwassen.

We will also look forward to battle more disease-carrying rats and vermin coming out of the surrounding fields into our homes and neighbourhoods.

Now about the municipal election coming later this year. Apparently Malcom Brodie, the mayor of Richmond, figured out a way to keep his voters happy by dumping their problem on Ladner. Can we count on anyone hoping to be elected in Delta to place their citizens over big business?

Wendy Betts