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Tsawwassen needs cohesive theme for signage

Editor: Re: Delta to come up with new sign to welcome folks to Tsawwassen, May 9 In response to the article regarding replacement of welcome to Tsawwassen signage, this will be a welcome change to the diminutive one currently in place.


Re: Delta to come up with new sign to welcome folks to Tsawwassen, May 9

In response to the article regarding replacement of welcome to Tsawwassen signage, this will be a welcome change to the diminutive one currently in place.

It would also be nice for the city to develop a cohesive theme that defines future development for Tsawwassen. It seems like there is currently a hodge-podge of design that does not reflect our beachy, sunny marine community.

For example, the relatively new street lights lining 56th Street are beautiful, but terribly out of place here. Would a marine type of design not have been a better fit? Too late now, I guess, but I think some dialogue with a respected and capable design consultant would be money well spent so we're not replacing signs again in a few years.

Hopefully the new Town Centre Mall will also reflect that same theme.

Ladner and Steveston have it right while Tsawwassen is in transition and needs some really solid design guidance to develop its current and future identity.

Greg McDonald