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Liberal raid of ICBC coffers felt in rates

Editor: Re: Drivers pay for lack of choice, Guest Editorial, Nov. 4 The article written by Neil Mohindra is misleading.


Re: Drivers pay for lack of choice, Guest Editorial,

Nov. 4

The article written by Neil Mohindra is misleading.

It is common knowledge that ICBC's liability surplus funds have been raided by the Liberal government these last few years; I believe the amount is somewhere around $2 billion.

This money was taken from ICBC and put into the provincial government's general revenue to cover its overspending. This directly affects our vehicle insurance rates.

Can you imagine the outcry if the provincial government also raided the liability funds of the private insurance companies in B.C.?

This "director" of the Fraser Institute pretends to be neutral and objective, while his agenda is really to make public insurance look bad.

While I am not totally thrilled with ICBC, at least a person who is writing articles based on a so-called study should be aware of what the Liberal government is up to, and mention it.

John Hutton