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Local stores have more to offer

Editor: Re: Here's hoping merchants won't pay the 'high cost of low price,' Community Comment, July 3 I just wanted to say how much I appreciated Corry Anderson-Fennell's column about Walmart coming to Tsawwassen.


Re: Here's hoping merchants won't pay the 'high cost of low price,' Community Comment, July 3

I just wanted to say how much I appreciated Corry Anderson-Fennell's column about Walmart coming to Tsawwassen.

I feel that we've entered into a time period, where for most folks, the bottom line is how cheap something is.

It seems that very little thought is given to the origin of goods (child labor in developing countries), the treatment of employees in these big box stores and how local businesses are sometimes devastated by the introduction of said stores. Local stores provide a friendliness and expertise that is often non-existent in big box stores. I, for one, would rather spend a few extra dollars to stay out of my car and enjoy the atmosphere of our local stores.

We really do vote with our dollars.

Brad Andrews