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Milat's dual election run is just fine

Editor: I read with amusement, the wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of double dipping by people about Fabian Milat running for both Delta council and the Delta school board at the same time.


I read with amusement, the wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of double dipping by people about Fabian Milat running for both Delta council and the Delta school board at the same time. Why not?

Every sitting member on Delta council does and every prospective council candidate will, when they sit on the various unelected positions on Metro Vancouver and TransLink, collecting rather large stipends for their efforts. Is that double dipping or is it only double dipping when the other guy/gal does it?

As a taxpayer, I am appalled at the antics of Metro Vancouver and TransLink over their tax and spend ways and absence of taxpayer oversight, but the taxpayer has no recourse because the politicians refuse to change.

Milat is just up front running for both positions, which, by the way, the voter has a chance to vote for him or not, something unheard of for positions on Metro Vancouver and TransLink.

Voting for elected members of Metro Vancouver and TransLink? "No, that isn't democratic," is the collective refrain of regional politicians wallowing in this taxpayer-funded old boys/girls club.

Unless a council candidate pledges before he or she is elected, that they will not sit on any Metro Vancouver or TransLink committee, nor collect monies from Metro or TransLink, there should be no nay-saying of Milat's attempt to win both a council and a school board seat in this election.

Malcolm Johnston