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Minister's Minute

MAKE THE TIME Decisions! We make them either consciously or unconsciously every moment of the day. Sometimes we are given advice, and many of our decisions are influenced by the society around us.


Decisions! We make them either consciously or unconsciously every moment of the day. Sometimes we are given advice, and many of our decisions are influenced by the society around us.

Occasionally, our decisions are confined to financial constraints - like the Lamborghini sports car that I will never buy!

One of the most difficult decisions we make, I think, is to allow God into our day. The morning routine and evening exhaustion often cloud our thinking and we move on to other important duties and chores.

I have often thought that if I could move my prayer time to the duty roster of my day it might have a better chance of happening. But, I often relegate time to sit in prayer and meditation as a luxury that my busy schedule cannot possibly include. This, however, often leads to further disconnect from God who lies at the centre of my every decision! It's a vicious circle.

One possible solution is to gather with others in prayer. I guess this sounds like a call to "come to church on Sundays" - and in a way it is - but it's the daily decision that seems impossible. So, here's an idea that has worked for me: There are daily "offices" of prayer and readings from scripture "online," and there are booklets that suggest a reading and a short reflection.

Even though the room may be empty or full, there is the knowledge that others are reading and praying with you on this very day. The decision is ours - and the results are life giving.