Re: Nowhere to park,
July 22
I'd like to respond to the article expressing MLA Vicki Huntington's concern about a possible parking nightmare in Ladner Village.
I have read the Delta council summaries prepared (http: //www.corp.delta. bc.ca/EN/main/municipal/323/27003/dlwr.html) and find that the reported concerns should not be concerns at all, if one was to read the exhaustive material that has been prepared.
The material makes it very clear the outcome of the waterfront revitalization will in no way make Ladner another Steveston as there is not the interest, infrastructure or population that would be attract new visits to Ladner.
I am also surprised the Optimist did not take the time to draw readers' attention to the material found on the municipality's website. It seams you went for sensationalism rather than educating the public. Or you allowed a sensational political opportunity cloud your usual good judgment.
The waterfront endeavour is not a certain thing for new business.
One only has to look at vacant storefronts in Ladner, the storefronts that were not rebuilt and the drop-off in business related to alcohol service to see there is limited interest in the community.
However, using public money to create jobs and interest may draw more customers.
The Ladner Village Market and the Ladner Village Quilt Walk and Classic Car Show do not put great pressure on our current parking when you can see many parking opportunities on River Road, west of Elliott Street, and then realize additional traffic is possible on evenings and weekends when Ladner's office staff are at home.
I look forward to a revitalized waterfront, limited as it is.
Bob Kenward