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Neither government protecting citizens

Editor: Re: MP taking action on radio towers file, letter to the editor, April 4 While MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay listed 12 radio stations broadcasting within her constituency, it is incorrect to claim the two stations broadcasting in Blaine are within t

Editor: Re: MP taking action on radio towers file, letter to the editor, April 4 While MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay listed 12 radio stations broadcasting within her constituency, it is incorrect to claim the two stations broadcasting in Blaine are within that geographic area. While it is correct to state that nine of the stations are transmitting at the same power as the proposed KRPI transmitter in Point Roberts, only one station is actually located in proximity to a residential area. The remainder are in rural environments, lessening the exposure to residents.

The KRPI transmitter is being relocated reportedly because of ongoing complaints from the residents of Ferndale, Wash., for which the only answer appears to be relocation, demonstrating the inability of this radio station to actually address concerns.

And we are expected to accept the commitments of the station that it will address our local concerns 24/7/365? I do not believe the residents of either Tsawwassen or Point Roberts are that naïve. And complaining after the fact to our government has proven equally ineffective in the past. We don't exist!

Neither government is protecting the interests of its citizens; in fact, the opposite appears to be true.

Findlay should look back at the voting record of South Delta. We had a strong MP for years who was supported, in part, because of his representing us, not representing Ottawa to us. Similarly we dealt with an MLA who represented Victoria to us rather than representing our concerns, and elected an independent.

We've done it before and can do it again. It is time we saw positive action by our representative.

John S. Hutchins