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New bridge caters to port, but drivers stuck with bill

Editor: Re: Bridge set to replace tube, Sept. 25 Does anyone else feel duped? Those community consultations were a complete sham that were set up to make us, the public, feel as if we had a say.

Editor: Re: Bridge set to replace tube, Sept. 25 Does anyone else feel duped? Those community consultations were a complete sham that were set up to make us, the public, feel as if we had a say.

I feel as if our government knew long ago exactly what it was going to do, which, as usual, was to cater to big business and leave us holding the bill.

If government really cared about improving "the movement of people and goods" then something should have been done long ago.

I almost feel as if our government has chosen to ignore common sense and cost effective solutions to this problem because it wants the public to be so frustrated and fed up that we would welcome any plan.

For example, if it really wanted to relieve northbound congestion then it should have been working with the City of Richmond to utilize the visitor centre as an exit so tunnel traffic isn't backed up because of cars lined up at the Steveston Highway exit.

It angers me to listen to our elected officials blame "the tunnel" for the traffic when it isn't the whole truth. Fine, it's old and not ideal, but when we are sitting in a line of cars it is not because of the tunnel itself, it is because of the inability of drivers to merge, the lights that approach the tunnel and other poorly planned infrastructure.

I wish we could test my theories. Let's just say we could. Here is what we could do for a few weeks: For northbound traffic during heavy congestion:

Reduce the speed limit to 40 km/h or 50 km/h for educational purposes.

All cars must keep at least two car lengths from the car in front of them.

No drivers can change lanes until their lane ends.

At the top of a merge lane alternate, allowing one car to enter the "new" merged lane.

Close the exit at Steveston Highway (or use the visitors centre exit) I have no real facts to back up my theory except for the 35 years I have spent navigating and observing this highway and tunnel, but I bet you our traffic problems would be greatly diminished. There are many smart, cost-effective things that could have been done years ago.

Do not believe this bridge has anything to do with helping out regular people or small business.

Krishna Sangara Hayle