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No appetite to expropriate

Editor: Re: Former mayor should keep his opinions to himself, letter to the editor, Sept. 28 According to the letter writer, Doug Husband should keep his opinions to himself ...


Re: Former mayor should keep his opinions to himself, letter to the editor, Sept. 28

According to the letter writer, Doug Husband should keep his opinions to himself ... yet the letter writer apparently considers it quite OK to express his opinions in the same newspaper. Hmmm, is there something askew here?

Secondly, I would point out the analogy of Stanley Park to the Spetifore land is fundamentally flawed.

Stanley Park was "given" (by lease from the federal government) to the City of Vancouver, whereas the Spetifore land is held under private ownership.

Since when in this democratic country did we take for free private land that some members of the public demand be a park? What happened to natural justice and compensation?

Or is the letter writer willing to assemble sufficient of his like-minded colleagues to pony up the funds necessary to expropriate that land?

As a Tsawwassen taxpayer, count me out.

Geoff Eldred