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No need for more councillors but we could change some

Editor: Re: Do we have enough civic politicians?, Sept.


Re: Do we have enough civic politicians?, Sept. 14 Your question more correctly ought to have been, "Do we have the correct civic politicians?"

The answer to your question is a resounding, yes, and the answer to my question is, "Possibly some but not all."

Let us not go down that slippery socialist slope of adding more top weight at the expense of the already heavily burdened civic [and provincial and federal] taxpayer. We simply have to do better with what we have and if the current crop cannot do the job properly, then turf them and replace them.

Inasmuch as the devil we know might be better than the devil we don't know, it might be a useful exercise to sweep the lot out and begin anew with fresh ideas and a good handle on expending taxpayers' funds.

Adding more weight at the top is not the way to expend taxpayers' funds wisely.

Bob Orrick