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Only allowing good drivers behind the wheel would thin out traffic

Editor: Re: Campaign needed to introduce tolls on all crossings in region, Community Comment, Nov.


Re: Campaign needed to introduce tolls on all crossings in region, Community

Comment, Nov. 23

Ian Robertson's article about TransLink and its constant need for funds has me shaking my head; not at his ideas but at the very thought that we (meaning the politicians that make decisions with our money) would choose a method of mass transit that is not sustainable.

Of course, some subsidization is expected as everyone benefits from transit, even those that do not use it, but to choose SkyTrain over anything else knowing there would be annual costs that we could not cover is insane.

I wonder if we were to each add up the total monies handed over to government what portion of our income would that represent? I wonder would it be better to have higher taxes and no other fees? Or no taxes and we each pay for what we use? So if I use the Golden Ears Bridge, I would pay for it. I probably wouldn't mind so much if I wasn't taxed at every other opportunity.

Further to this, I had an idea that will surely not be popular but could solve a lot of our problems. What if we were to consider retesting all B.C. drivers and raising the standard so that only skilled drivers remained on the road? (That way I don't get stuck driving 40 km/h behind a person too scared to drive through the tunnel.)

This would get bad drivers off of the road, reduce congestion, delay the need for new infrastructure (such as the tunnel replacement) and increase those that would use transit. Simplistic, yes, but at least I am thinking, which is more than I can say for TransLink.

Krishna Sangara Hayle