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Pay own dredging

Editor: Re: Unlike the lower Fraser River, Delta's argument holds water, Community Comment, Feb.


Re: Unlike the lower Fraser River, Delta's argument holds water, Community Comment, Feb. 15

I can see why Corry Anderson-Fennell is in favour of spending $2 million of our tax dollars on dredging and why she gives high praise for our mayor's effort on this matter. Anderson-Fennell is a float home owner and, yes, a taxpayer as well.

She points out that when the tide is out, there are ducks walking on the mud and float homes are, in some cases, high and dry. Well, I can remember back in the late 1970s to present time that it was a common sight along the river and, yes, even in Ladner Harbour, so why all the crying now?

When I purchased my home I knew I would have to cut the lawn and Delta's boulevard as well. I knew I'd also have to pay for lime, fertilizer, grass disposal, aerating and lawn mower repairs as well as all the other maintenance to keep my property looking respectable.

When she purchased her float home, did she not think it was her responsibility to keep her home floating to protect her considerable financial investment?

I guess in her case it would mean hiring a dredging company to remove debris from under or around her home and have it disposed of just like I do with my grass.

Yes, I know it is more difficult for her than for me, but I must say she bought the float home and that's what comes with the territory.

Although her degree of difficulty is much greater than mine, I do not think she should expect any level of government to pay for her unfortunate problem as I do not expect Delta to maintain my home.

Ernie Tobin