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Pedestrians take lives into their hands crossing streets

Editor: On Monday, while starting out to cross 56th Street at 12th Avenue on a "walk" sign, a Delta engineering truck turned right on a red, cutting me off.

Editor: On Monday, while starting out to cross 56th Street at 12th Avenue on a "walk" sign, a Delta engineering truck turned right on a red, cutting me off.

A few weeks ago, a lady tried her negligent best to run me over in the crosswalk at Windsor Woods.

Fortunately, I dodged, danced and jumped in time to propel myself off her fender.

There are the many near misses I see in the crosswalk on 12th Avenue between Save-On and Thrifty Foods.

"Stop" no longer means stop. Amber means speed

up. Very few drivers stop before turning right on a red. "No turning on a red light" signs are ignored. Most drivers don't turn into their lanes. Most fail to signal turns and lane changes. Why is traffic law enforcement in Delta so slack?

Greg J. Edwards