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Proposed bylaw would allow six storeys at waterfront

Editor: The Ladner waterfront revitalization bylaw that is coming to public hearing at municipal hall on Tuesday, May 28 will encourage applications for six-storey buildings on the south side of Chisholm Street.


The Ladner waterfront revitalization bylaw that is coming to public hearing at municipal hall on Tuesday, May 28 will encourage applications for six-storey buildings on the south side of Chisholm Street.

The bylaw appears to allow only four storeys but the provision that additional height can be considered if the developer contributes to open space improvements means all applications will be for the maximum height for wood-frame construction in B.C. - six storeys. Oh, and don't forget the elevator shaft on top of that.

The majority of comment sheets that were turned in at the March 7 public information meeting were opposed to any increased height on the historic Ladner waterfront. Yet now Delta council is considering a bylaw that would allow triple the current height.

This bylaw needs to receive the strongest public opposition on May 28 at 7 p.m.

Kent Warmington