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Protesting far from wasting time

Editor: Re: Our democratic rights not at stake despite what protesters to Bill C-38 would have you believe, letter to the editor, June 13 I don't know Steven Austin, but his letter gave me a good giggle.


Re: Our democratic rights not at stake despite what protesters to Bill C-38 would have you believe, letter to the editor, June 13 I don't know Steven Austin, but his letter gave me a good giggle.

I am nobody's pawn and I proudly join the likes of Kerry-Lynne Findlay, Stephen Harper, Homer Stevens and Winston Churchill as "failed" political candidates.

I actually worked on Findlay's campaign back in 2000, when she failed to win a seat running for the Canadian Alliance in her hometown of Vancouver, in the Quadra riding.

I'm active in Delta because I live and work here and care about what happens within my community. I have a long record of community participation and activism, yet I don't consider any of that time "wasted."

On the contrary, I consider my community involvement among the most rewarding and cherished experiences I have encountered in life. I have met, been inspired and mentored, by many outstanding Delta citizens, including the likes of Homer Stevens, Edgar Dunning, Ted Towers, Stan Thomas, George Anderson, Fred Gingell, Audrey Paterson, George Hodgins, Shirley Laurie, Bill Kushnir, Muriel Ivens and Jurgen Lankau.

None of them are still with us on this earthly plane but their wisdom and vision continues to inspire me and I feel obliged to continue the legacy of caring they and others have demonstrated to me over the years.

As to why I would waste my time outside the office of my elected MP, instead of outside the port office or the Tsawwassen First Nation legislature, I have a simple answer to that question: I have no real power or control over who is the port CEO, or what the Tsawwassen First Nation does, but I do have a voice and a vote when it comes to who represents me in Ottawa.

And until that right is taken away, I plan to exercise my right to be heard on matters I deem unacceptable, undemocratic and important to the future of my community.

Kevin Garvey