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Radio towers to impact school P.A. systems

Editor: There is one very important fact that has, I believe, not been mentioned in the opposition to the radio towers: five schools are located in the blanketing interference area. All schools have P.A.


There is one very important fact that has, I believe, not been mentioned in the opposition to the radio towers: five schools are located in the blanketing interference area.

All schools have P.A. systems, wireless Internet and sound equipment that is used in many applications, including concerts, plays and sports days. P.A. sets are used to make announcements and most importantly in emergency situations.

All of these systems are sensitive to AM radio interference. When I was teaching, a sound system I had set up in the school gym picked up a broadcast by Dr. Laura. The nearest transmitter was three miles away, much further than the proposed transmitters would be.

I believe any mitigating efforts to alleviate problems would prove to be difficult, if not impossible.

All levels of government must make the utmost effort to prevent the construction of these towers before operation of electronic equipment in the schools is severely compromised.

The FCC must be petitioned directly and the imminent impact to schools underlined.

Additionally, the children in these schools will be subjected to strong radiation from these towers.

P. Russell