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Removing logs from 'Bay shoreline will likely kill small mammals

Editor: There are likely a hundred reasons why Port Metro Vancouver should not proceed with its "rehabilitation" project of the Boundary Bay foreshore marsh.

Editor: There are likely a hundred reasons why Port Metro Vancouver should not proceed with its "rehabilitation" project of the Boundary Bay foreshore marsh.

One of these is that the noise and movement of the equipment to be used in log removal will likely kill some of the small mammals that currently inhabit the marsh. Habitats will be destroyed and those mammals that survive may well be scared away by the noise and vibration of the heavy machinery.

These creatures (mostly rodents) are a food source for the raptors that visit and/or inhabit the area. Birds are an important draw to areas of Delta and any scarcity of food may well inhibit the numbers that will stop here.

As citizens of Delta, we need to stand up and be counted. Send your feedback to mayor and council, to Port Metro Vancouver and to federal agencies.

Anita den Dikken