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Robocall scandal requires thorough investigation

Editor: I write as a Delta resident deeply concerned about election integrity in Canada. The news about the robocall election fraud scandal keeps getting worse.


I write as a Delta resident deeply concerned about election integrity in Canada.

The news about the robocall election fraud scandal keeps getting worse.

There are reports that illegal calls took place in dozens of key swing ridings all over the country. This looks like a systematic campaign to mislead non-Conservative voters.

It takes serious money and major phone number databases to target non-Conservative voters in multiple close ridings. Who paid? Where did the lists come from? Who decided?

We need full, immediate and publicly accountable investigations that include all affected ridings. We need a public inquiry to learn the whole truth and restore the basic integrity of our democracy.

This looks like a lot more than just "dirty tricks." Highly organized electoral fraud is a crime, and a direct attack on the foundation of our democracy.

If you get caught stealing a car, you don't get to keep the car.

If the party in government is found to be responsible for systematic electoral fraud, then there must be new elections.

Norrie Hodge