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Rotarians gratified by public's support

Tsawwassen - Editor: It's great to live in South Delta. Service clubs play an integral part in our community, undertaking so many volunteer projects to give back. A few times over the past few weeks the residents have shown their appreciation.

Tsawwassen - Editor: It's great to live in South Delta. Service clubs play an integral part in our community, undertaking so many volunteer projects to give back. A few times over the past few weeks the residents have shown their appreciation.


The Rotary Club of Tsawwassen has been doing a beautification project in Diefenbaker Park over the past few weekends regardless of the wind and rain.


While Rotarians were slogging away in the rain, residents of South Delta would drive by, honk and give the thumbs up. A few parked on the side of the road and yelled out thanks, while one neighbour opened their home to 15 strangers (Rotarians), offering their solarium so there would be a warm, dry place to have lunch.


While selling lottery calendars in front of the supermarkets to raise funds so we can do more community projects, we hear, "Thanks for the water park, we really enjoy it." Comments like that give volunteers the drive to do more knowing the community is enjoying the use of the amenities and are grateful for all the volunteer hours and dollars spent in our community.


Thanks to all. Rotarians love to give back.


Leslie Abramson


Rotary Club of Tsawwassen