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Seniors shortchanged as committee hasn't met

Editor: In October of 2011, in response to an election promise, Mayor Lois Jackson formed the Delta Seniors Advisory Committee, which she would chair.

Editor: In October of 2011, in response to an election promise, Mayor Lois Jackson formed the Delta Seniors Advisory Committee, which she would chair.

The committee consists of 11 members, of which only four are community representatives while seven are staff. This really should be reversed.

The committee has met only three times since its inception (three times in 2012 and none so far in 2013) even though its mandate is to meet four times per year.

If the mayor is too busy to meet, let someone else do it. There are many, many issues around seniors that need to be discussed.

Isn't it ironic the heritage committee (which looks after old buildings) meets eight times per year while this committee (which looks after old... eh seniors) doesn't meet at all?

It seems the mayor is playing politics with seniors, which will not serve her well in the next election.

Please tell me I am wrong and get this committee in gear or step aside. Need discussion topics? Call me.

Gerry Bouman