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SFPR should bring reduced traffic for a while

Editor: Re: Gov't could download highway, Feb. 17 What is going on? Highway 17 to be handed over to Delta? I thought any road that is part of the national highway system has to be federal/provincial.


Re: Gov't could download highway, Feb. 17

What is going on? Highway 17 to be handed over to Delta?

I thought any road that is part of the national highway system has to be federal/provincial. On top of that, we were given to understand, when the South Fraser Perimeter Road was being planned, that we were not welcome on it. We should keep driving along Highway 17, which would be "a much nicer place to be" without all the trucks.

And trucks would not use Highway 17 any more.

Hopefully, once the SFPR opens, there will be somewhat reduced traffic on Highway 17 - for a while and only for a short stretch of the highway. Then the extra people in all the residences to be built will spill into it.

And trucks will head to and from the SFPR from the interchange at 28th Avenue? What is the savings for the people in Tsawwassen?

Why would anyone in their right mind choose to drive with the trucks? That was the carrot they hung in front of our car hoods: no more trucks.

Are they afraid the South Fraser Perimeter Road won't have enough traffic, so now they want us on it as well?

Ursula Easterbrook