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Shellac manicure protects nails after leaving salon

Editor: Re: Don't let that costly manicure go to waste, Living Matters, Oct. 31 Spa Time has a solution for Barbara Gunn. May we suggest a "shellac manicure" that lasts up to two weeks and is instantly dry.

Editor: Re: Don't let that costly manicure go to waste, Living Matters, Oct. 31 Spa Time has a solution for Barbara Gunn. May we suggest a "shellac manicure" that lasts up to two weeks and is instantly dry.

These manicures are applied in the same manner as a standard manicure, with your application of base coat, colour and top coat. However, you won't have to worry about peeling those potatoes or brushing your hair. Heck, you could scrub a toilet and still have perfect nails.

Although a great idea for an invention, you still have to wait those grueling several hours before covering your polish. With the shellac, you can put your favourite winter gloves on and walk out the door.

The best part is the price: $40 - and it lasts for over a week.

Ashley Weale Ailish Wallace