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Sidekick thanks community for embracing local theatre

Editor: On behalf of the board of directors, the many actors, crews and volunteers who make Sidekick Players as successful as they are, I'd like to thank the community for its patronage.

Editor: On behalf of the board of directors, the many actors, crews and volunteers who make Sidekick Players as successful as they are, I'd like to thank the community for its patronage.

Sidekick is Delta's longest running, award-winning theatre company and we are proud to hear people in the community calling us "their theatre group." We just closed our 17th season, our most successful season to date.

We had 98 per cent sellouts for every production and more standing ovations than ever imagined. We brought it all to Delta with fact, fiction, some tears and a lot of laughs.

We would also like to thank our partners - Delta Optimist, Corporation of Delta and Delta Law Office. Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated and exemplifies your community spirit.

To Marianne Osborne at Delta Printers, thank you for always going above and beyond. To Alpha Restaurant, thank you for always making our cast parties awesome with the fantastic food and never balking at delivering meals for a large group at 11 p.m. on a Saturday.

We are excited as we embark on our 18th season. The playbill is entirely made up of Canadian plays that will make you laugh, cry and think. Opening with Rick Chafe's The Secret Mask, we are especially proud to present this as the first amateur theatre company to have this opportunity.

Having moved into the Tsawwassen Arts Centre three years ago, we were able to offer subscriptions to our patrons. We were very happy the first year to have 33; we now have close to 300.

We offer excellent theatre at very affordable prices in a bistro-style setting.

Subscriptions for next season are now on sale. Forms can be picked up at the arts centre or call 604-288-2415 and follow the directions.

Again, thank you to everyone. Without our amazing audiences and those that support us in so many ways, we wouldn't be able to "play" for you. We're looking forward to seeing old and new faces in October.

Carroll Lefebvre

President Sidekick Players Club