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Sidewalks need to be safe

Editor: Let me start by making two assumptions: 1. That sidewalks throughout Delta are made the width they are so that two people can walk sideby- side and so that two people can pass each other without having to step off the sidewalk. 2.


Let me start by making two assumptions:

1. That sidewalks throughout Delta are made the width they are so that two people can walk sideby- side and so that two people can pass each other without having to step off the sidewalk.

2. That we have bylaws in place to ensure that the sidewalks will be free from any and all obstructions related to the "walkability" of such walkways.

I walk daily from 55th Street to English Bluff up one side of 12th Avenueand down the other side. Much to my dismay, I am often having to dodge, duck or go around tree branches, hedges and bushes sticking well out into the sidewalk area.

It would seem to me that it is the obligation of the homeowner to keep their trees, bushes and hedges well off the sidewalk area. Perhaps it is time for the bylaws department to enforce their responsibilities and notify the homeowners that fines will apply if they do not clean up the situation.

This should not only apply to residences on 12th Avenue but throughout Delta. If I was visually impaired these intrusions would be a major hazard and could cause serious injury.

Don Browning